I have just received the new issue of The Florida Preservationist. If you are a member of the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation be on the lookout for it. If you are not a member, why not.
There are several interesting articles this quarter including an update on renovation work being done at the Lummus Park Cottage in Miami. If you are interested in the Seminole Wars you will want to read the article Billy Bowlegs and the Cow Cavalry: The Fogotten History of the Fort in Fort Meyers.
There are plenty of lighthouse aficionados out there and the article Reef Lights of the Florida Keys: Masterpieces of Victorian Architecture is for them. The settlement of Cosmo, located in Jacksonville receives a short write up before the issue ends with the article Tactical Preservation: Wood Rot in Historic Buildings.
This is not a scholarly journal; the articles are very short and not footnoted. The brief articles are interesting to read and appropriate for entry-level preservationists. I look at this as just a benefit for being a member of the organization.
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